Recycling Paper Through Origami

As part of the "Recycle It (Green Pharos)" campaign, PUA’s Faculty of Arts and Design hosted a visit from Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq Secondary School for Girls for a workshop titled “Recycling Paper through Origami.” The workshop was led by Dr. Rana Hisham, Lecturer in the Décor Department, and Dr. Youmna Muhammad Yaqout, Lecturer in the... Continue Reading

Curriculum Development in the Era of Sustainable Dentistry

Within the scope of the Green Pharos: An Environmentally Friendly University Initiative, PUA’s Faculty of Dentistry organized workshops for faculty members and teaching assistants titled "Curriculum Development in the Era of Sustainable Dentistry." Sponsored by Prof. Dr. Mohamed Etman, Acting Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, these workshops sought to enhance awareness... Continue Reading

Sustainable Nutrition

Sustainable nutrition encompasses food systems' capacity to furnish ample energy and essential nutrients for maintaining population health, while safeguarding the ability of future generations to fulfill their nutritional requirements. Sustainable food systems, with minimal environmental impact, uphold food and nutrition security, promoting healthy lives for present and future generations. Moreover, they safeguard biodiversity and ecosystems,... Continue Reading

Care for Every Breath Webinar

Care for Every Breath Webinar Within the ambit of PUA’s Faculty of Pharmacy's commitment to the Pharos Green Initiative, the Faculty's Green Pharos Committee, under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Mohamed Etman, Acting Vice President for Environmental Affairs and Community Service, the Dean, and the Representative of the Green Pharos Committee, organized a medical webinar.... Continue Reading

Education for Sustainable Development

Education for Sustainable Development Sustainable development entails the harmonization of three fundamental components: the roles of students, faculty, and the university. Education aimed at sustainable development nurtures critical thinking, systemic analysis, and future-oriented perspectives, while inspiring actions that advance sustainable development goals. To delve into this framework of integration, PUA’s Faculty of Applied Health Sciences... Continue Reading

Towards a Sustainable University Community

Towards a Sustainable University Community As part of the Recycle It campaign and the Green Pharos: an environmentally conscious University Initiative, PUA’s Faculty of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence orchestrated a lecture titled “Towards a Sustainable University Community.” The lecture, delivered by Dr. Amr Abdel Fattah, Lecturer in the Computer Science Department, delved into the... Continue Reading

Recycling Light Bulb Workshop

Recycling Light Bulb Workshop The Faculty of Pharmacy is actively engaged in initiatives to position PUA as a leading environmentally friendly institution. To this end, the Faculty's Community Service and Environmental Affairs Committee, under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Mohamed Etman, Acting Vice President for Environmental Affairs and Community Service, along with the Dean of... Continue Reading

Education and Sustainable Development Seminar

As part of the Pharos Green–an Environmentally-Friendly University Campaign, the Faculty of Mass Communication organized a seminar focused on education and sustainable development. The seminar delved into the pivotal role of education in advancing sustainable development goals and fostering students' understanding of these objectives. Additionally, the seminar outlined a series of forthcoming lectures, seminars, and... Continue Reading

Skills of a Successful Translator

PUA’s Faculty of Languages and Translation hosted an educational seminar titled "Skills of a Successful Translator," organized by the Community Service Committee. Led by Dr. Nihal Hafez and held under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Mohamed Etman, Acting Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, the seminar drew considerable student interest. The event... Continue Reading