Pharos University Sent a Humanitarian Aid Convoy to Abees District in Alexandria

In the light of the annual tradition of the PUA Community Service Council, the Student Activities Department organized a humanitarian aid convoy to deliver blankets to Abees District in Alexandria. The organization of this convoy was managed in coordination with the Ministry of Social Solidarity and Alexandria Governorate. It is worth mentioning that a large... Continue Reading

A Delegation from Pharos University Participated in the Special Olympics

A delegation from Pharos University, based on the invitation of the Egyptian Special Olympics Administration, participated in Special Olympics Middle East/North Africa Region (MENA) “Egypt 2020” that was held under the auspices of President Abdel-Fattah Al Sisi. The delegation participated in welcoming the players and examining muscles flexibility, body balance and Circulatory and Respiratory systems... Continue Reading

Pharos University Sends a Humanitarian Convoy to the Slum Areas of Alexandria

In the framework of the endeavours of Pharos University to constantly engage in the community service activities, the PUA Community Service and Environmental Development Centre (CSED) sends a humanitarian aid convoy to Abees District, one of the slum areas in Alexandria Province, among others to deliver blankets to the needy families there. The coordination of…

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A Humanitarian Aid Convoy Headed to Abdel Qader District

Within the framework of the social role of Pharos University, the faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management, in coordination with the Student Activities Department, organized a humanitarian convoy to deliver blankets to Abdel Qader District, one of the needy areas in Alexandria. Before sending the convoy, the PUA students made a survey about the socio-economic... Continue Reading

An Introductory Meeting for the Field Training Center

In the framework of activating the role of community service and Environment Development at the university in serving the community, an introductory meeting was held on Tuesday 17/09/2019. This was headed by Prof. Ramadan Abu Elellah- the Vice President of the university for Community Services and Environment Development Affairs in the presence of Prof. Hesham... Continue Reading

The Faculties of Pharos University Race to Organize the Aid Convoys

After the student activities administration organized the first three convoys, the faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management organized the fourth aid convoy and the faculty of Financial and Administrative Sciences organized the fifth convoy. After that, the faculty of Legal Studies and International Relations participated in launching the sixth and seventh aid convoys that Pharos... Continue Reading

PUA Launches Aid Convoys

In the framework of aid convoys with the coordination of Mohamed Rageb charity organization Pharos University launched the second and third convoys during the holy month of Ramadan. The second and third aid convoys were sent consecutively. The second aid convoy was launched on Saturday 4/05/2019 and headed to Sidi Beshr. The third aid convoy... Continue Reading