Evaluating Green Pharos Competition’s Artworks

: Prof. Dr. Mohamed Etman, Acting Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, hosted Dr. Sameh Riyad, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Environment, at PUA’s campus to participate in evaluating the artworks submitted for the “Green Pharos: Environmentally Friendly University” competition. The jury also included the Dean of the Faculty... Continue Reading

Exploring Potential Avenues for Cooperation

Prof. Dr. Mohamed Etman, Acting Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, and Prof. Dr. Noha Badr, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Financial and Administrative Sciences and Executive Director of the Community Service Center, hosted a distinguished panel of guests including Eng. Ehab Zakaria, Egyptian senator and Chairman of the Board of... Continue Reading

Sustainability in Tourism Workshop

Sustainability in Tourism Workshop Within the activities of the Pharos Green Campaign: an environmentally friendly university, and under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Mohamed Etman, Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development, the Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management organized a workshop entitled "Sustainability in Tourism." This workshop covered several crucial topics aimed at... Continue Reading

Making Sculptures from Recycled Paper

Making Sculptures from Recycled Paper Within the activities of the Recycle It campaign (Green Pharos) and under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Mohamed Etman, Acting Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development, PUA’s Faculty of Arts and Design held a workshop entitled “Making Sculptures from Recycled Paper.” During this workshop, the students learned various... Continue Reading

Pharos Speaks Green

Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Mohamed Etman, Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, and reflecting its commitment to enhancing student skills with current and relevant knowledge, Pharos University in Alexandria (PUA) organized a seminar entitled “Pharos Speaks Green.” This event was held in cooperation with the Intellectual and Environmental Development Society.... Continue Reading

Trivia Quiz

Within the campaigns of Recycle It and Green Pharos: an environmentally friendly university, and under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Mohamed Etman, Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, the Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management organized a trivia quiz for its students. This competition aimed to measure the extent of students’ awareness... Continue Reading

PUA Visits a Nursing Home

PUA’s Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management organized a visit to the Mohamed Ragab’s Nursing Home, with participation from numerous faculty members, teaching assistants, and students. This visit was part of the Faculty’s commitment to societal and moral responsibilities, emphasizing the importance of bringing happiness and joy to the elderly. The event highlighted the value... Continue Reading

Role of Fine Arts in Promoting a Sustainable Environment

Role of Fine Arts in Promoting a Sustainable Environment Prof. Dr. Mohamed Etman, Acting Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, and Prof. Dr. Omar Ghonim, Dean of PUA’s Faculty of Arts and Design, inaugurated an exhibition titled “Role of Fine Arts in Promoting a Sustainable Environment” in the Faculty’s exhibition hall. This... Continue Reading

Recycling Paper into Artworks

Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Mohamed Etman, Acting Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, and Prof. Dr. Omar Ghonim, Dean of PUA’s Faculty of Arts and Design, the Faculty organized a workshop titled “Recycling Paper into Artworks.” This workshop saw enthusiastic participation from students in their preparatory year (first semester). During... Continue Reading

Graphic Designers and Environmental Awareness

PUA’s Faculty of Arts and Design hosted a seminar titled “The Contributions of the Graphic Designer Towards Directing Individuals to Realize a Green Environment.” The seminar was led by Dr. Maha Al-Boksomati, Professor of Graphic Design and Communication and Head of the Graphics Department. During the seminar, Dr. Maha Al-Boksomati illuminated key concepts such as... Continue Reading