Optical Illusions Using the Quilling Paper Art

As part of PUA’s student activities programs, the Faculty of Arts and Design organized a workshop entitled “Optical Illusions Using the Quilling Paper Art.” The workshop aimed to teach participants how to manipulate quilling paper to create artistic optical illusions. The instructor demonstrated techniques for shaping and arranging paper strips into aesthetically pleasing designs that... Continue Reading

An Honorable Mention

PUA’s Faculty of Arts and Design congratulated director Habiba Khaled, a graduate of the Faculty’s Media Arts Department, for receiving an honorable mention from the film jury at the 10th Alexandria Short Film Festival for her animated film “Makhamikho.” Continue Reading

A Field Visit to Gomla Market

The Graphic Department at PUA’s Faculty of Arts and Design organized a field visit for its senior students to the design and printing office at Gomla Market, located at 28th Km on the Alexandria-Cairo Desert Road. This visit was coordinated with Mr. Hamdy Fathallah, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Gomla Market and Member... Continue Reading

Technical Methods for Architectural Display

Within the framework of PUA’s student activities programs, the Faculty of Arts and Design organized a seminar entitled “Technical Methods for Architectural Display of Engineering Drawings Using Computer Programs.” This seminar was delivered by Dr. Mahitab Al-Sayed, a Lecturer in the Décor Department. The seminar aimed to familiarize students with the extensive capabilities of computers... Continue Reading

Making Sculptures from Recycled Paper

Making Sculptures from Recycled Paper Within the activities of the Recycle It campaign (Green Pharos) and under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Mohamed Etman, Acting Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development, PUA’s Faculty of Arts and Design held a workshop entitled “Making Sculptures from Recycled Paper.” During this workshop, the students learned various... Continue Reading

Role of Fine Arts in Promoting a Sustainable Environment

Role of Fine Arts in Promoting a Sustainable Environment Prof. Dr. Mohamed Etman, Acting Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, and Prof. Dr. Omar Ghonim, Dean of PUA’s Faculty of Arts and Design, inaugurated an exhibition titled “Role of Fine Arts in Promoting a Sustainable Environment” in the Faculty’s exhibition hall. This... Continue Reading

Recycling Paper into Artworks

Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Mohamed Etman, Acting Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, and Prof. Dr. Omar Ghonim, Dean of PUA’s Faculty of Arts and Design, the Faculty organized a workshop titled “Recycling Paper into Artworks.” This workshop saw enthusiastic participation from students in their preparatory year (first semester). During... Continue Reading

Graphic Designers and Environmental Awareness

PUA’s Faculty of Arts and Design hosted a seminar titled “The Contributions of the Graphic Designer Towards Directing Individuals to Realize a Green Environment.” The seminar was led by Dr. Maha Al-Boksomati, Professor of Graphic Design and Communication and Head of the Graphics Department. During the seminar, Dr. Maha Al-Boksomati illuminated key concepts such as... Continue Reading

Recycling Paper Through Origami

As part of the "Recycle It (Green Pharos)" campaign, PUA’s Faculty of Arts and Design hosted a visit from Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq Secondary School for Girls for a workshop titled “Recycling Paper through Origami.” The workshop was led by Dr. Rana Hisham, Lecturer in the Décor Department, and Dr. Youmna Muhammad Yaqout, Lecturer in the... Continue Reading

Orphan’s Day

Orphan's Day Continuing its annual tradition and reinforcing its leadership in community service, Pharos University in Alexandria (PUA) hosted approximately 300 children from six NGOs dedicated to orphan care. The participating organizations included Naba’a Al Hob, Al-istikrar, Al-Muta’adroon, Al-Qalaa Community Development, Tariq Al-Khair Community Development, and Mujeeb Al-Sa’ilin. The Faculty of Arts and Design contributed... Continue Reading