Faculty of Financial and Administrative Sciences – TU Dublin – Graduation Class 2020
Faculty of Financial and Administrative Sciences – TU Dublin – Graduation Class 2020
Continue ReadingThe Faculty of Financial and Administrative Sciences Holds Its 9th Job Fair
Under the auspices of Prof. Tarek Taha, the Dean, the faculty of Financial and Administrative Sciences holds the 9th Job Fair on Monday,15 April, 2019 at the Student Theatre. This is held from 10 am to 3 pm. The coordination of the job fair is managed by Dr. Nagwa Mohamed, the Leader of Student Activities….
Continue ReadingThe Pros and Cons of Being a PUA Mass Communication Graduate
Under the auspices of Prof. Fawzi Abdel Ghani, the Dean of the faculty of Mass Communication, a seminar entitled “The Pros and Cons of Being a PUA Mass Communication Graduate” was held on Tuesday 30/10/2018. This seminar was held within the framework of the faculty’s constant endeavours to strengthen the ties with the alumni and provide…
Continue ReadingIftar for the Faculty of Engineering
on Tuesday 6/6/2017 In celebration of the holy month of Ramadan, the alumni association of the faculty of Engineering held the 1st group iftar on campus for the faculty alumni on Tuesday 6/6/2017. The iftar party was held under the supervision of Prof. Mohamed Gaber, the faculty Dean. At the outset, the faculty graduates gathered in front…
Continue ReadingEngineering Alumni Reunion
About the day: The idea of the Alumni day is initiated by Alumni Association so as to create a convenient way to reunite the graduates in order to create a social, cultural and professional interaction between the graduates of the Faculty of Engineering – Pharos University. This reunion took place on Thursday 19/2/2016 at Al Fanar Hall –…
Continue ReadingSecond Alumni Reunion – Faculty of Pharmacy and Drug Manufacturing
About the day: The idea of the Alumni day is initiated by Alumni Association so as to create a convenient way to reunite the graduates in order to create a social, cultural and professional interaction between the graduates of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Drug Manufacturing – Pharos University. This reunion took place on Thursday 12/11/2015 at…
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