Financial and Administrative Sciences Thesis

Measuring The Factors That Affect Young Consumers’ Attitudes Towards SMS Advertisments and Their Purchace Intentions: The Case of EGYPT
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Author: Hazem Rasheed Abd El Wakeel Gaber
Pub. Date: 2012
Class.Num.: 658
Locator: 11E
Department: Business administration
Mutual Fund Performance Measuring The Effects of Funds
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Author: Yara Magdy
Pub. Date: 2014
Class.Num.: 658
Attachments: CD
Locator: 11D
Department: Finance
The Effect of Kaizen Costing Adoption on The Financial Performance of The Firm: An Empirical Study
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Author: Sara Hussein Abdel Fattah Sabry
Pub. Date: 2014
Class.Num.: 658.1
Attachments: CD
Locator: 11D
Department: Accounting
Examining the Role of Internal Branding in Retail Bnking on Brand Supporting Behavior of Employees
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Author: Sally Raouf Ragheb Garas
Pub. Date: 2017
Class.Num.: 332.1
Attachments: CD
Locator: 11E
Subject: PHD
Department: Business administration
The Effect of Sector type on the Strategic Cost Management: Empirical Study on Egyptian hospitals
Copy Num. :1
Author: Noha Said Mohamed Gabr
Pub. Date: 2007
Class.Num.: 658
Attachments: CD
Locator: 11D
Department: Accounting

Financial and Administrative Sciences Thesis

The Impact of transformational leadership style and organizational culture on employees,Job Satisfaction: An Empirical Study Applied on Transnational Corporations In Egypt
Copy Num. :1
Author: Irene Robert Balian
Pub. Date: 2018
Class.Num.: 650
Locator: 11E
Department: Business administration
أثر القدرات اللوجستية على المزايا التنافسيه
Copy Num. :1
Author:سيد نصر الدين على يوسف
Pub. Date: 2018
Class.Num.: 658.5
Locator: 11E
Subject: PHD
Department:Business administration
أثر الإفصاح عن التكاليف البيئية على قرار منح الإئتمان: دراسة تجريبية
Copy Num. :1
Author: محمد ناجي محمد طه
Pub. Date: 2020
Class.Num.: 332.17
Attachments: CD
Locator: 11D
Department: Accounting
نموذج مقترح للعلاقة بين استراتيجيات إدارة المعرفة وجودة الخدمة المصرفية : دراسة ميدانية
Copy Num. :1
Author:احمد شعبان
Pub. Date: 2020
Class.Num.: 658
Locator: 11E
Subject: PHD
Department: Business administration
تأثير هيكل الملكية على إفصاح الشركات عن المسئوولية الاجتماعية
Copy Num. :1
Author: سارة محمد خميس عيد
Pub. Date: 2020
Class.Num.: 657.92
Attachments: CD
Locator: 11D
Department: Accounting

Financial and Administrative Sciences Thesis

The Determinants of Islamic and Convnetional Bank Profitabilty in Middle East and North Africa
Copy Num. :1
Author: Yara Magdy
Pub. Date: 2020
Class.Num.: 332.1
Attachments: CD
Locator: 11D
Subject: PHD
Department: Accounting
تأثير حملات التسويق ذات الصلة بقضايا مجتمعه وخصائص المستهلكين على استجابات المستهلكين
Copy Num. :1
Author: أمنية محمد محرم
Pub. Date: 2021
Class.Num.: 658.812
Attachments: CD
Locator: 11D
Subject: PHD
Department: Marketing
أثر حجم منشأة المراجعة وتخصصها الصناعي على جودة التقارير المالية
Copy Num. :1
Author: نورهان عصام الدين ابراهيم
Pub. Date: 2021
Class.Num.: 657.45
Attachments: CD
Locator: 11D
Department: Accounting
The Impact of loan loss provisions under IFRS 9 on the Financial Reporting Quality and Financial Performance: An Empirical Study on Banks listed in Egyptian Stock Exchange
Copy Num. :1
Author: Noha Said Mohamed Gabr
Pub. Date: 2022
Class.Num.: 657
Attachments: CD
Locator: 11D
Subject: PHD
Department: Accounting
Examining some antecedents of conspicuous consumption and the role of ideal social self-congruence and interdependent self-construal as mediators
دراسة بعض مقدمات الاستهلاك التفاخري ودور كل من التطابق الاجتماعي المثالي والتفسير الذاتي المترابط
Copy Num. :1
Author: Jailan Abdelaziz Abdou
Pub. Date: 2023
Class.Num.: 658
Attachments: CD
Locator: 11E
Subject: PHD
Department: Business administration