mechanical engineering

انتقال الحرارة بالحمل الرقائقى المختلط من اسطح مصادر حرارية مثبتة على الواح راسية داخل حيز مربع الشكل بة فتحتى تهوية
laminar mixed convection inside a square enclosure with discrete heat sources and ventilation ports
Copy Num. :1
Author: Noha Alaa El Din Mohamed Saad El Din Abd Elrazek
Pub. Date: 2011
Class.Num.: 621.4
Attachments: CD
Locator: 3C
Department: Mechanical Engineering
دراسه عدديه لتحسين انتقال الحرارة للسريان الطبقي بالحمل المختلط باستخدام موائع النانو على سطح افقي به شرائح
Numerical study of laminar mixed convection heat transfer enchancement using nanofluids over afinned flat plate
Copy Num. :1
Author: Mohamed Maher Morsi
Pub. Date: 2016
Class.Num.: 621.4
Attachments: CD
Locator: 3C
Department: Mechanical Engineering
الجدوله الصامدة للمشروعات
Robust project scheduling
Copy Num. :1
Author: Ragia Mamdouh Shaaban
Pub. Date: 2015
Class.Num.: 621
Attachments: CD
Locator: 3C
Department: Mechanical Engineering
انتقال الحراره بالحمل القسرى للسريان الرقائقى كامل التطور فى المقاطع المثلثيه المعزوله جزئيا
fully developed laminar forced convection through partially insulated triangular duct
Copy Num. :1
Author: Mahmoud Amin Mohamrd
Pub. Date: 2017
Class.Num.: 621.4
Attachments: CD
Locator: 3C
Department: Mechanical Engineering
التنبؤ بمعوليه عناصر الالات
reliability prognosis of machine elements
Copy Num. :1
Author: Dalia Mostafa Ammar
Pub. Date: 2017
Class.Num.: 621.3
Attachments: CD
Locator: 3C
Subject: PHD
Department: Mechanical Engineering

mechanical engineering

دراسه الاداء التحليلى لوحده تحليه متعدده التاثير تعمل بضغط البخار باستخدام الطاقه الشمسيه
performance analysis of multi effect desalination thermal vaper compression unit assisted by solar energy
Copy Num. :1
Author: Walaa Mahamoud Ali El Ashmawy
Pub. Date: 2018
Class.Num.: 621.1
Attachments: CD
Locator: 3C
Department: Mechanical Engineering
دراسه العوامل المؤثره على التصميم الارجوماتى لمحطات الحياكه فى مصانع الملابس
syudy the factors affecting the ergonomic design of sewing work station garment mills
Copy Num. :1
Author: Amira Mohamed Gaber
Pub. Date: 2018
Class.Num.: 621
Attachments: CD
Locator: 3C
Subject: PHD
Department: Mechanical Engineering
التحكم فى رطوبه الهواء باستخدام نظام المجفف السائل المدفوع بالطاقه الشمسيه
air humidity control using liquid desiccant driven by solar energy
Copy Num. :1
Author: Fayrouz Hussein Abd El Hameid
El Rweay
Pub. Date: 2020
Class.Num.: 621.4
Attachments: CD
Locator: 3C
Department: Mechanical Engineering
انتقال الحراره بالسريان القطرى الدوامى بين قرصين متوازيين وتطبيق المبادل الحرارى المناظر لنوع السريان
heat transfer of swirling radial flow between parallel circular disks and its heat exchangers application
Copy Num. :1
Author: Noha Alaa El Din Mohhamrd Saad
El Din Abd Alrazek
Pub. Date: 2020
Class.Num.: 621.4
Attachments: CD
Locator: 3C
Subject: PHD
Department: Mechanical Engineering
دراسه متقدمه لتاثير مختلف انواع اكاسيد المعادن بحجم النانو كاضافات للوقود المستخدم فى محركات الاشتعال بالكبس
experimental investigation of the effect of different metal oxides nanoparticles as additives on compression ignition engines
Copy Num. :1
Author: Amr Mamdouh Ahmed
Pub. Date: 2021
Class.Num.: 621.402
Attachments: CD
Locator: 3C
Department: Mechanical Engineering