Electrical Engineering

تقسيم التردد المتعامد عريض المدى فى الاتصالات المتنقلة :تحسين اداء النظم المتعددة الحوامل بالتكويد فى قناة نجاكامى ذا الخبو
orthogonal frequency division multiplexing improving the bit error rate by coding over nakagami fading channel
Copy Num. :1
Author: Heba Raafat Ahamed Mohamed
Pub. Date: 2011
Class.Num.: 621.38
Attachments: CD
Locator: 3B
Subject: M.sc
Department: Electrical Engineering
power system planning with reliability and voltage sag consideration
تخطيط منظومات القوى الكهربيه مع اعتبار العول وكبوات الجهد
Copy Num. :1
Author: Sahar Abdel Moniem Moussa
Pub. Date: 2011
Class.Num.: 621.3
Attachments: CD
Locator: 3A
Subject: PHD
Department: Electrical Engineering
مستشعرات بيولوجيه مقترحه لقياس ونمذجه اجهاد الاطباق على زرع الفك السفلى
proposed biosensors for mandibular implant occlusal sress measurment and modeling
Copy Num. :1
Author: Safa Ahmed Hafez Elskary
Pub. Date: 2013
Class.Num.: 621.3
Attachments: CD
Locator: 3A
Subject: PHD
Department: Electrical Engineering
microwave breast tumor treatment
علاج اورام الثدى بالاشعه الميكروموجيه
Copy Num. :1
Author: Heba Abd Elhamid Hassan Elkayal
Pub. Date: 2013
Class.Num.: 621.3
Attachments: CD
Locator: 3B
Subject: M.sc
Department: Electrical Engineering
خوارزميات حديثه لتطويرطريقه تحديد الامكانيات فى شبكات الجيل الرابع ذات معدل تكرار احادى
novel alogorithms for improving resource allocation procedure in reuseone lte networks
Copy Num. :1
Author: Mohamed Abdelkarim Aboulhassan Mohamed
Pub. Date: 2014
Class.Num.: 621.38
Attachments: CD
Locator: 3A
Subject: PHD
Department: Electrical Engineering
inductive wireless electric power transfer
Copy Num. :1
Author: Mohamed Ahmed Hassan Abdu
Pub. Date: 2015
Class.Num.: 621.3
Attachments: CD
Locator: 3B
Subject: M.sc
Department: Electrical Engineering
design and analysis of new cooperative relaying networks for enhancing physical layer security
Copy Num. :1
Author: Ahmed Hassan Abd El Malek
Pub. Date: 2016
Class.Num.: 621.3
Attachments: CD
Locator: 3A
Subject: PHD
Department: Electrical Engineering
تطوير اداء الجيل الرابع للنظام الخلوى المبنى على نظام التطوير بعيد المدى باستخدام النقاط المتعددة المتناسقه وتقنيه الوصول المتعدد غير المتعامد.
Improving the performance of 4 th generation cellular system based on long term evolution system using coordinated multi-point and non- orthogonal multiple access
Copy Num. :1
Author: Heba Raafat Ahamed Mohamed
Pub. Date: 2016
Class.Num.: 621.38
Attachments: CD
Locator: 3A
Subject: PHD
Department: Electrical Engineering
تحليل الحاله المستقرة والديناميكيه لمولد حثى معزول ثلاثى الاوجه باثارة ذاتيه مدفوع بسرعه الرياح تحت ظروف احمال مختلفه
Steady state and dynamic analysis of three phase stand alone self excited induction generator driven by wind speed under different loading conditions
Copy Num. :1
Author: Aly Abdwl Moneim Hassan
Pub. Date: 2016
Class.Num.: 621.3
Attachments: CD
Locator: 3B
Subject: M.sc
Department: Electrical Engineering
التوثيق في شبكات المستشعرات اللاسلكيه
Authentication in wireless sensor networks
Copy Num. :1
Author: Nagwa El Meniawyn
Pub. Date: 2015
Class.Num.: 621.38
Attachments: CD
Locator: 3B
Subject: M.sc
Department: Electrical Engineering

Electrical Engineering

دراسه مقارنه لاداء انواع محزوز براج الليفى البصري للوصول الى الاداء الامثل لمصفوفه اجهزة استشعار الحرارة
Acomparative study of fbg types for performance optimization of temperature array sensors
Copy Num. :1
Author: Hanan Mohamoud Ahmed El Gammal
Pub. Date: 2014
Class.Num.: 621.3
Attachments: CD
Locator: 3B
Subject: M.sc
Department: Electrical Engineering
امن شبكات الاستشعار اللاسلكيه
wirless sensornetwork security
Copy Num. :1
Author: Sanaa Said Abd El Dayem
Pub. Date: 2017
Class.Num.: 621.38
Attachments: CD
Locator: 3A
Subject: PHD
Department: Electrical Engineering
المشاركه الديناميكيه للطيف الترددى فى شبكات الراديو الادراكيه
dynamic spectrum access in cognitive radio networks
Copy Num. :1
Author: Nehal Mohamed Mohamed El Azaly
Pub. Date: 2017
Class.Num.: 621.38
Attachments: CD
Locator: 3B
Subject: M.sc
Department: Electrical Engineering
التحديد الكمى للانسجه باستخدام طرق تصوير طبي مختلفه
quantitative tissue identification by the use of different medical imaging modalities
Copy Num. :1
Author: Ehab Hassan Aly Barakat
Pub. Date: 2017
Class.Num.: 621.3
Attachments: CD
Locator: 3A
Subject: PHD
Department: Electrical Engineering
تطبيقات اتصالات الضوء المرئي فى الاماكن المغلقه
visible light communications for indoor applications
Copy Num. :1
Author: Sherine Shawky Abd Al Karim
Pub. Date: 2017
Class.Num.: 621.39
Attachments: CD
Locator: 3B
Subject: M.sc
Department: Electrical Engineering
تعظيم كفاءه اداء الطاقه لشبكه الراديو السحابيه النفاذيه
performance optimization of energy efficient cloud radio access network
Copy Num. :1
Author: Maha Fathy Hussein
Pub. Date: 2018
Class.Num.: 621.3
Attachments: CD
Locator: 3B
Subject: M.sc
Department: Electrical Engineering
تامين بيانات متعدده الوسائط
securing multimedia data
Copy Num. :1
Author: Wessam Mohamed Abd El Fatah
Pub. Date: 2018
Class.Num.: 005.7
Attachments: CD
Locator: 3A
Subject: PHD
Department: Electrical Engineering
استباط مراحل الاستقطاب الكهربى فى حاله القلب الطبيعى ولاحتشاء عضله القلب باستخدام مرحلتين متتاليتين من الشبكات العصبيه
reconstruction of depolarization pattern for normal heart and myocardial infarction using two cascaded stages of artificial neural network
Copy Num. :1
Author: Nihal Ahmed Mahmoud
Pub. Date: 2019
Class.Num.: 621.3
Attachments: CD
Locator: 3A
Subject: PHD
Department: Electrical Engineering
تحسين اداء معدل الخطا الرقمى لانظمه الاتصالات اللاسلكيه باستخدام تقنيه التعزيز المتكيف
BER performance enhancement for wireless communication systems using the adaboost technique
Copy Num. :1
Author: Heba Gamal Badie
Pub. Date: 2019
Class.Num.: 621.3
Attachments: CD
Locator: 3A
Subject: PHD
Department: Electrical Engineering
تحسين الاداء لانظمه الطاقه الضوئيه الشمسيه من خلال التحكم الغيمى للمتتبع لاقصى نقطه اداء
performance enhancement of solar photovoltaicfuzzy logic control of maximum power point tracking
Copy Num. :1
Author: Ingy Ahmed El Sayed Ali
El Torgoman
Pub. Date: 2020
Class.Num.: 621.32
Attachments: CD
Locator: 3B
Subject: M.sc
Department: Electrical Engineering

Electrical Engineering

بروتوكول التوجيه الديناميكى التكيفى لشبكات الحيز الشخصى اللاسلكيه
adaptive dynamic routing protocol for wirless body area networks
Copy Num. :1
Author: Abdelrhman Gamal Abdelnasser
Pub. Date: 2018
Class.Num.: 621.382
Locator: 3B
Subject: M.sc
Department: Electrical Engineering
التقنيات المتقدمه فى التضمين والترميز لشبكات الاتصالات الاسلكيه تحت الماء
advanced modulation and coding techniques for underwater wirless communication
Copy Num. :1
Author: Sara Hassan Hassan Alfar
Pub. Date: 2018
Class.Num.: 621.382
Attachments: CD
Locator: 3B
Subject: M.sc
Department: Electrical Engineering
التغذيه المثاليه لهوائيات علاج اورام الثدى
optimization of antenna excitations for breast cancer treatments
Copy Num. :1
Author: Heba Abdelhamid Hassan Elkayal
Pub. Date: 2022
Class.Num.: 621.37
Attachments: CD
Locator: 3A
Subject: PHD
Department: Electrical Engineering
مقرح جديد كامل الأتمته لشبكه عصبيه مهجنه تلافيفيه لفحص التصوير الحرارى للثدى بالاشعه تحت الحمراء
a novel fully automated hybrid convolutional neural network for breast infrared thermographic screening
Copy Num. :1
Author: Azza Mahmoud Hassanelsayed Elbagoury
Pub. Date: 2020
Class.Num.: 621.367
Attachments: CD
Locator: 3A
Subject: PHD
Department: Electrical Engineering
نمذجه وتحليل محرك السيارات الكهربائيه ذو المغناطيس الدائم فى ظل عمليات الكبح المتجدد والقدره على تجاوز الاعطال
modeling and analysis of ev pmsm drive system under regenerative braking operation with fault tolerant control
Copy Num. :1
Author: Mohamed Elsayed Elsayed
Pub. Date: 2022
Class.Num.: 621.34
Attachments: CD
Locator: 3B
Subject: M.sc
Department: Electrical Engineering
التطبيقات الحديثه على محزوز براج الليفى
advanced application of fiber bragg grating(fbg)
Copy Num. :1
Author: Hanan Mohamoud Ahmed El Gammal
Pub. Date: 2021
Class.Num.: 621.38
Attachments: CD
Locator: 3A
Subject: PHD
Department: Electrical Engineering
الشحن الامثل للعديد من المركبات الكهربيه فى الشبكات الذكيه
optimal charging of multiple electric vehicles in smart networks
Copy Num. :1
Author: Dina Mohamed Abdel Hamid
Mohamed Gado
Pub. Date: 2021
Class.Num.: 621.38
Locator: 3B
Subject: M.sc
Department: Electrical Engineering
بروتوكول التوثيق فى انترنت الاشياء الطبيه
an authentication protocol for the medical internet of things
Copy Num. :1
Author: Nagwa Mohamed El Meniawy
Pub. Date: 2022
Class.Num.: 621.38
Attachments: CD
Locator: 3A
Subject: PHD
Department: Electrical Engineering
التحسين الامثل وتشكيل الشعاع لمصفوفات الهوائيات الكسوريه الذكيه ذات عرض النطاق الواسع ومتعدده النطق فى ظروف التداخل
optimization and beamforming of smart multiband and wideband fractal antenna arrays in interfering environment
Copy Num. :1
Author: Huda Fawzy El Sayed Abd El Naby
Pub. Date: 2023
Class.Num.: 621.3
Attachments: CD
Locator: 3A
Subject: PHD
Department: Electrical Engineering