PUA’s Faculty of Arts and Design held an orientation day for the freshman students. This event aims to familiarize students with the Faculty and its various departments. The event was initiated with a speech by the Dean, in which he welcomed the attendees and the freshman students. After that, a documentary film was played about the Faculty, its various departments, and the key features of each one, supported by samples of student work.
In addition, a simplified explanation of how to register on Power Campus system, PUA’s library, and the knowledge bank was given. In addition to clarifying the importance of field training for students, the period required to qualify for graduation, training providers, plus linking with the labor market.
Further, the event underscored the importance of the workshops offered and why to join them as these workshops are key in developing students’ thought and career preparation.
At the conclusion of the event, the students toured the Faculty to see the departments, laboratories, department heads’ offices, training unit, library, student activities office, and the academic advising office.