No. Course Code Course Title Cr. H Pre-requisite Contact Hours/Week
L P T Total
1 UGE 01 English language (1) 2 2 2 4
2 HGPC-101 Physical Chemistry 3 2 2 4
3 HGPH-101 Physics 3 2 2 4
4 HGAN-101 Human Anatomy 3 2 2 4
5 HGCS-101 Communication skills  (1) 1 1 1
6 HGCP-101 Computer Skills and Programming concepts (1) 2 1 2 3
Total 14
No. Course Code Course Title Cr.H Pre-requisite Contact Hours/Week
L P T Total
1 UGE 02 English language (2) 2 UGE 01 2 2 4
2 HGBP-102 Biomedical Physics 3 HGPH-101 2 2 4
3 HGCP-102 Computer Skills and Programming concepts (2) 2 HGCP-101 1 2 3
4 HGMT-102 Medical Terminology (1) 1 1 1
5 HGBM-102 Basic Microbiology 3 2 2 4
6 UGA 03 Arabic Language Skills 2 2 2
7 HGHR-102 Human Rights 1 1 1
Total 14
No. Course Code Course Title Cr. H Pre-requisite Contact Hours/Week
L P T Total
1 HRBI-201 Biomedical Imaging Techniques 2 2 2
2 HRDO-201 Dosimetry 3 2 2 4
3 HRFT-201 Fundamentals of Radiologic Techniques 3 2 2 4
4 HLHP-201 Histology and Pathology 3 2 2 4
5 UGE 03 English language (3) 2 UGE 02 2 2 4
6 HGPS-201 Physiology 3 2 2 4
Total 16  
No. Course Code Course Title Cr. H Pre-requisite Contact Hours/Week
L P T Total
1 HRBC-202 Biochemistry 3 2 2 4
2 HRIP -202 Imaging Procedures Techniques 3 2 2 4
3 HRRI-202 Radiological imaging Techniques (1) 3 2 2 4
4 HRCA-202 General Cross section Anatomy 2 HGAN-101 2 2
5 HRCT-202 CT Examinations Techniques (I) 4 2 4 6
Total 15  
No. Course Code Course Title Cr. H Prerequisite Contact Hours/Week
L P T Total
1 HRCT-301 CT Examinations Techniques (II) 4 HRCT-202 2 4 6
2 HRRI-301 Radiological imaging Techniques (2) 3 HRRI-202 2 2 4
3 HRRC-301 Radiopharmaceuticals 2 2 2
4 HRRP-301 Radiation protection methods & biological effects 3 2 2 4
5 HRWI-301 Women imaging Techniques 2 1 2 3
6 Elective (1) 2 2 2
Total 16  
No. Course Code Course Title Cr. H Prerequisite Contact Hours/Week
L P T Total
1 HRCS-302 Contrast imaging Techniques 3 2 2 4
2 HRUS-302 Ultrasound and Doppler Examinations Techniques (I) 4 2 4 6
3 HRTH-302 Radiotherapy Techniques (1) 4 2 4 6
4 HRMR-302 MRI Examinations Techniques (I) 4 2 4 6
5 HGCS-302 Communication Skills (2) 1 HGCS-101 1 1
6 Elective (2) 2 2 2
Total 18    
No. Course Code Course Title Cr. H Prerequisite Contact Hours/Week
L P T Total
1 HRMR-401 MRI Examinations Techniques (II) 4 HRMR-302 2 4 6
2 HRTH-401 Radiotherapy Techniques (2) 4 HRTH-302 2 4 6
3 HGBS-401 Biostatistics 1 1 1
4 HGST-401 Scientific Thinking & Research Methods 1 1 1
5 HRUS-401 Ultrasound and Doppler Examinations Techniques (II) 3 HRUS-302 2 2 4
6 HRMI-401 Medical Imaging Informatics 2 1 2 3
7 Elective (3) 2 2 2
Total 17  
No. Course Code Course Title Cr. H Prerequisite Contact Hours/Week
L P T Total
1 HRRP-402 Radiologic Pathology 4 2 4 6
2 HRGP-402 Graduation project 4 8 8
3 HRNU-402 Clinical nuclear medicine Practice Techniques 3 2 2 4
5 HROB-402 Obstetric and Pelvic Sonography Techniques 3 2 2 4
5 HGME-402 Ethics and Legal Issues In Health Fields 1 1 1
6 Elective (4) 2 2 2
Total 17  

Total Credit Hours = 127

Elective Courses (12 Credit Hours required)
For Radiology and Medical Imaging Technology

No Course Code Course Title Cr. H Pre-requisite Contact Hours/Week
L P T Total
1.         HVEH-01 Environmental Health 2 2 2
2.         HVEN-01 Entrepreneurs 2 1 2 3
3.         HVHE-01 Health Education 2 2 2
4.         HVEP-01 Epidemiology 2 2 2
5.         HVSP-01 Patient Safety 2 2 2
6.         HVMD-01 Regulation of Medical Devices and Diagnostics 2 2 2
7.         HVCA-01 Computer Modeling and Applications 2 2 2
8.         HVPM-01 Principles of Marketing 2 2 2
9.         HVHC-01 Health coaching 2 2 2
10.      HVPS-01 Psychology 2 2 2
11.      HVEB-01 External Beam  Radiation Technology 2 2 2

English Language (1)

This course aims to consolidate the English language skills the students acquired
during their primary and secondary education. The course focuses on honing the students’ Speaking, Writing, Reading and Listening abilities. These objectives are realized by providing the students with a curriculum that is commensurate with the scientific studies they have chosen to pursue. The curriculum is taught by qualified and experienced lecturers and/or instructors supported by texts, access to computers, and a library, all delivered in state-of-the-art facilities, and a first class learning environment.

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Physical Chemistry

The course includes the periodic table of elements, basic bonding, and atomic structure, stoichiometry of chemical reactions, the gaseous state, solutions, condensed phases and phase transitions, and heat and enthalpy of reactions. As well as equilibrium, acids and bases, spontaneous change and equilibrium, electrochemistry and redox reactions, chemical kinetics, fundamental particles, complex bonding, spectroscopy, and descriptive topics in inorganic chemistry.

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This course includes metric system and measurement, properties of electricity, magnetism, and their properties. Volume and temperature relationships will be studied. The students will learn properties of light, sound and heat and how they are transmitted in air and matters. Mechanics and functions of laser, ultrasound, atomic, molecular and nuclear physics will be discussed.

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Human Anatomy

The course introduces the student to the structure of body systems, namely integumentary, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, lymphatic, and respiratory systems, nervous, endocrine, urinary, and reproductive systems. Anatomy of the eye, ear and nose is also included.

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Communication Skills (1)

In his course the student will learn the definition of effective communication and its importance, and to recognize the elements of the communication models and its barriers and filters. Also, the course deals with the effective communication skills listening, speaking, questioning, writing, and reading. The course reviews the persuading theories which are related to the communication and advertising skills and to demonstrate how to prepare effective presentations in front of the target audience and how to deal with him.

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Computer Skills and Programming Concepts (1)

The course tends to provide Year 1 students with a brief introduction to the world of computers including: numbering systems and digital data representation, computer system architecture, storage and input/output systems, Operating systems and Utility Systems, software applications, problem solving techniques and their applications using Flow Charts.

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English language (2)

This course aims to consolidate the English language skills the students acquired during their freshmen tertiary education. The course focuses on perfecting the skills acquired during their English 101 studies. These objectives are realized by providing the students with a curriculum that is commensurate with the scientific studies they have chosen to pursue. And again, the curriculum is taught by qualified and experienced lecturers and/or instructors supported by texts, access to computers, and a library, all delivered in state-of-the-art facilities, and a first-class learning environment.

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Biomedical Physics

This course covers the application of concepts and methods in Physics to the solution of problems in Biology and health. The student will study the physics principles of mechanics, fluids, electricity, thermodynamics, acoustics and optics and their applications in health and life sciences including safety precautions when dealing with these physical phenomena. This course will be valuable to health sciences students to allow for future introduction of new programs.

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Computer Skills and Programming concepts (2)

This course tends to introduce the students to the concepts and terminologies of spreadsheet, database, database management systems, and the concept of hypertext markup language (HTML). It practices some computer applications in the laboratory such as Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, and HTML. It gives students a practical experience on developing projects related to their specialty.

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Medical Terminology

This course will focus on the many components of a medical terms and how to break down a medical term by simply knowing the meaning of the prefix or suffix. Teach the individual parts of medical words; help the students to memorize complex medical terms and their definitions.

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Basic Microbiology

This course deals with general microbiology: bacteriology, virology and mycology. The course describes the structure, classification and growth of the microorganisms of medical importance and demonstrates the physical and chemical methods used to control growth of microorganisms. Practical sessions, also, include preparation of stains, all culture media and reagents for various microbiological tests.

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Arabic Language Skills

يعنى المقرر بمهارات اللغة العربية الأساسية و الضرورية لاستخدام اللغة وسيلة للتواصل و التوظيف داخل مجالات التخصص المختلفة ، مع التركيز على المهارات التنظيمية و الفكرية و الأسلوبية و اللغوية اللازمة في استعمال اللغة وظيفيًا ، و بخاصة ما تعرض منها لأخطاء شائعة في استخدامها ، و يحتاج إلى تصويب من مستخدم اللغة.

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Human Rights

فى هذا المقرر يدرس الطالب الحقوق المدنية التى يكفلها الدستور و القانون للإنسان و كيفية حمايتها و صيانتها من الدولة بما يضمن الحياة الكريمة للإنسان.

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English language (3)

The curriculum framework for English 3 builds on and extends the academic skills taught and practiced in English 1 and 2. The students are required to apply the target skills using materials relevant to the different disciplines at the university. Language continues to develop through the course as the students are engaged in activities which integrate the four language skills.

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Biomedical Imaging Techniques


This course can be successfully used in all areas of medical imaging and radiological techniques. Thus, the Radiological reviews are suitable to any hospital or clinic where it is necessary to operate, store patient data and manage the patient records consistently.

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This course deals with theory and measurement of radiation as applied to medicine and the laboratory. It covers ionizing sources as used in biology, diagnostic radiology, nuclear medicine, and radiation therapy. Topics include: ICRU definitions of radiation quantities, Radioactivity, Attenuation and scattering of photons and electrons, Interactions with tissue, Radiation equilibrium, Convolution and Monte Carlo dose computations, and Practical radiation dosimeters (ion chambers, diodes, TLD, film, chemical). We conclude with a summary of radiation risks and radiation protection guidelines, including international current regulations.

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Fundamentals of Radiologic Techniques


An overview of the historical development of radiography, basic radiation protection, an introduction to medical terminology, ethical and legal issues for health care professionals, and an orientation to the program and the health care system. Also an introduction to basic physics of x-ray equipment and auxiliary devices, prime exposure factors, technical factors of film quality, infection control procedures, patient transportation and body mechanics will be presented. The student will define basic medical terms; exhibit ethical and legal standards; demonstrate basic radiation protection practices and relate the role of radiography to health care.

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Fundamentals of Radiologic Techniques


An overview of the historical development of radiography, basic radiation protection, an introduction to medical terminology, ethical and legal issues for health care professionals, and an orientation to the program and the health care system. Also an introduction to basic physics of x-ray equipment and auxiliary devices, prime exposure factors, technical factors of film quality, infection control procedures, patient transportation and body mechanics will be presented. The student will define basic medical terms; exhibit ethical and legal standards; demonstrate basic radiation protection practices and relate the role of radiography to health care.

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The course includes introduction to physiology, the functions of cell, homeostasis, water and acid-base balance, blood, nervous system, circulation, respiration, kidney, digestive system, and endocrine glands.

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This course deals with basic structure, function and biological importance of different biological substances including carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, enzymes, vitamins and hormones.

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Imaging Procedures Techniques


This course includes an introduction to radiographic positioning terminology, the proper manipulation of equipment, positioning and alignment of the anatomical structure and equipment, and evaluation of images for proper demonstration of basic anatomy and related pathology.

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Radiologic Imaging Techniques (1)


Producing diagnostic radiographic images involves an understanding of a multitude of technical factors and their effect on the image. Students are challenged to correlate their understanding of human anatomy and physiology to the effect of radiation on the human body. Through in-depth discussions and class activities, students will learn how to utilize technical factors to produce quality diagnostic images. These images are critical in the diagnosis of injury or disease.

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General Cross Section Anatomy


The application of this course aims to allow the students to understand the cross sectional anatomy of the body systems (skeletal system, nervous system, respiratory system, GIT system, urinary system, genital system, cardiovascular system, joints and muscles.

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CT Examinations Techniques  (1)


The students are introduced to CT imaging requirements and this includes covering the CT physical principles, quality assurance and the CT examinations of the (neurological system, abdomen-pelvic) and patient manipulation for diagnostic imaging of different body systems.

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CT Examinations Techniques (2)


This course is applied to stress on different CT examinations of the (chest, cardiovascular and musculoskeletal system) and also introduced to the pathological manifestation. Understand the technical variations required to produce an optimal examination with 3D reconstructions.

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Radiologic Imaging Techniques (2)


A continuation of the study of radiographic imaging technique formulation, image quality assurance, and the synthesis of all variables in image production. Discusses equipment maintenance, equipment troubleshooting, departmental design and administration. Explores innovative techniques of imaging. The student will formulate techniques to optimize image quality, minimize patient exposure, and preserve equipment; apply methods of image quality assurance; and adapt technical variables to changing conditions.

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This course covers an introduction to radioactivity and the application of radioisotopes to pharmacy. Physical principles are included as well as applications of radioisotopes in medical diagnosis and therapy. Topics covered include radiation spectrometry, the scintillation camera, single photon emission tomography, and image analysis and data processing in nuclear medicine.

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Radiation Protection Methods and biological effects


Radiation protection is the science of protecting people and the environment from the harmful effects of ionizing radiation, which includes both particle radiation and high energy electromagnetic radiation.

Ionizing radiation is widely used in industry and medicine but presents a significant health hazard. It causes microscopic damage to living tissue, resulting in skin burns and radiation sickness at high exposures and statistically elevated risks of cancer, tumors and genetic damage at low exposures.

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Women imaging Techniques


This course is applied to help the students to understand the application of the different radiological examinations for women using different imaging modalities (mammography, gynecology examinations, ultrasound, CT and MRI examinations).

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Contrast imaging Techniques


This course aims to help the students to understand how to deal with chemical materials that are used in radiology department, route of administration, modalities that are used, possible complications and how to deal with it and the contrast examinations of the different body systems.

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Ultrasound & Doppler Examinations Techniques (1)


Students are introduced to understand, ultrasound physics, components of ultrasound machines, probes, the advanced ultrasound technology, Sono-anatomy and ultrasound examinations of (biliary system – urinary system and spleen)

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Radiotherapy Techniques (1)


This course is applied to give an introduction to the students about of action of different ionizing radiation (x-rays – gamma rays) in treatment planning, simulator, treatment aids, different radiotherapy equipment, staff, and patient manipulation for diagnostic radiotherapy.

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MRI Examinations Techniques (1)


This course includes the theoretical knowledge and practical experience to perform MRI examinations of (Brain, Spine, Knee, shoulder, ankle and the hip). Applying the practical considerations as well as additional equipment parameters and handling.

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Communication skills (2)


In his course, the student learns how to utilize the communication elements and skills he learned in

HGCS-101 in his carrier after graduation.

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MRI Examinations Techniques (2)


The aim of this course is to provide the students with technical and pathological manifestation of the MRI images. Help students to beneficially use what they had learned in the MRI courses to make an accurate  MRI images.

HGCS-101 in his carrier after graduation.

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Radiotherapy   Techniques (2)


This course aims to continue teaching students about of action of different ionizing radiation (x-rays – gamma rays) used in treatment planning, simulator, treatment aids, different radiotherapy equipment, staff, and patient manipulation for radiotherapy.

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The course introduces statistics and biostatistical analyses. The use of biostatistics, methods of sampling, data collection, and presentation are the core subjects in the course. Measures of central tendency, dispersion, and tests of significance are also introduced.

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Scientific Thinking & Research Methods


The course emphasizes the unifying aspects of the scientific approach to the study of nature and human behavior. About one-third of the course is devoted to a discussion of the nature of scientific inquiry and investigation. The course focuses on the process of fact identification and concept formation and testing. In the remaining part, the students are exposed to applications of the approach in various disciplines.

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Ultrasound & Doppler Examinations Techniques (2)


The aim of this course is to provide the student with theoretical knowledge and practical experience to perform sonographic examinations of (salivary glands, scrotum, thyroid gland and pancreas), Doppler physics, and different Doppler protocols. And also introduced to pathological manifestation on the conventional ultrasound and Doppler images on these examinations and the optimal technical variation required.

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Medical Imaging Informatics


Biomedical Informatics that aims to improve the efficiency, accuracy, usability and reliability of medical imaging services within the healthcare enterprise. It is devoted to the study of how information about medical images is retrieved, analyzed, enhanced, and exchanged throughout the medical enterprise.


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Radiologic Pathology


A study of proper manipulation of radiographic equipment, positioning and alignment of the anatomical structures, and evaluation of medical images for proper demonstration of intermediate anatomy and related pathology.


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Graduation Project


Students will get acquainted with literature search and oral presentations with the major topics in radiology. The students are encouraged to visit the library including the electronic one to prepare a thesis under direct supervision of the relevant staff. Projects will be evaluated by graduation project committee that assigned by department council, including oral presentation and discussion of the dissertation.


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Clinical Nuclear Medicine practice Techniques


The students are introduced to the nature of radionuclides and the modes of their production, helping them to understand the application of labeling radiopharmaceuticals in different nuclear medicine and methods of application of radiation protection in nuclear medicine department.


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Obstetric and Pelvic Sonography Techniques


This course introduces and relates the knowledge of obstetrics and gynecological anatomy, pathology and diagnostic Sonography. This course will focus on applying ultrasound for evaluating the pelvis and adjacent structures. The student will become accustomed to the sonographic procedures used to properly image this anatomy. The students will become familiar with physiology and pathology of the pelvis.


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Ethics and Legal Issues in Health Fields


The course is geared towards interpretation of professional code of ethics. The role of professional organization and characteristics of the professional health care provider are considered. Emphasis is placed on developing the ability of the health care provider to recognize and apply relevant legal concepts to insure his/her legal safety while providing optimal patient care based on human need and right in relation to food, health services, and education. It emphasizes aspects which protect dignity and privacy of the human being.


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