- The National Authority for Quality Assurance of Education and Accreditation
- Accreditation of colleges and institutes of higher education in the third edition 2015
- Accreditation of colleges and institutes of higher education in the second edition 2009
- Evaluation and Accreditation of Educational Program in Al – Azhar Educational Institutions in the first edition 2009.
- The evaluation and accreditation of universities December 2008
- Providing the necessary requirements to ensure the quality of education and accreditation to institutions of higher education
- Auditor’s tool for accreditation
- Charter of Ethics for Auditor
- Techniques for completing the external auditing report
- Student Guide to Quality
- Q & A in the Quality of Education for Students
- Directory of accreditation of colleges and institutes of higher education in the third edition
- Directory of accreditation of colleges and institutes of higher education in the second edition 2009
- Guide for Evaluation and Accreditation of Educational Program in Al – Azhar Educational Institutions in the first edition 2009
- Guidebook for Benchmarks for Postgraduate Programs.
- NARS for Agriculture (Arabic Version)
- NARS for Agriculture (English Version)
- NARS for Applied Arts.
- NARS for Archaeology .
- NARS for Artistic Education.
- NARS for Arts.
- NARS for Basic Science.
- NARS for Commerce.
- NARS for Computer Sciences and Information Technology.
- NARS for Dar al-Ulum.
- NARS for Dentistry.
- NARS for Economy, Political Science and Statistics.
- NARS for Education for Early Childhood.
- NARS for Engineering (1st edition)
- NARS for Environmental sciences.
- NARS for Fine Arts.
- NARS for Home Economics.
- NARS for Language Studies.
- NARS for Law.
- NARS for Mass Communication.
- NARS for Medicine (2nd edition 2017)
- NARS for Nursing (1st edition)
- NARS for Nursing (2nd edition 2017)
- NARS for Nursing.
- NARS for Pharmacy (1st edition)
- NARS for Pharmacy (2nd edition 2017)
- NARS for Physical Education.
- NARS for Physical Therapy.
- NARS for Tourism and Hotels.
- NARS for Urban Planning.
- NARS for Veterinary Medicine.
- NARS for Faculty of Medicine 2009 – Copy
- Engineering 2018
- Request for accreditation (No. 1)
- Annual performance report of the institution (No. 4)
- Grievances (No. 6)
- The executive plan to implement the strategy of the institution (No. 7)
- Guidelines for designing inspection lists for the satisfaction of administrative leaders and employees. (No. 8)
- Guidelines for designing community satisfaction survey lists (No. 9)
- Matrices (No. 11)
- Course Specification (No. 12)
- Program Specification (No. 13)
- Report of External Auditor for the Undergraduate Level (No. 14)
- Program Report (No. 15)
- Course Report (No. 16)
- Guidelines for designing student satisfaction surveys (No. 18)
- Guidelines for the design of staff satisfaction surveys (No. 19)
- Report of External Auditors of the Graduate Program (No. 20)
- Guidelines for the Design of Graduate Student Satisfaction Survey Lists (No. 21)
- Guiding models for quantitative assessment
- Self-study sample of the program
- Plan of optimization and enhancement
- Follow-up Plan of Implementation Plan
- A review report for the description of an academic program (and its decisions)
- Form (1)-Apply for accreditation
- Form (1)- Grievances
- Form of External Auditor Report for the Undergraduate in English
- Forms of the NORMS
- Self-study sample of the program
- ARS in Arabic
- ARS in English