Mechanical Engineering

1- Industrial Engineering and Manufacturing:


The Mechanical Power Engineering Program is committed to preparing competent engineers who are committed to professional ethics and are able to absorb the continuous development in scientific technologies and compete at the local and regional levels within the framework of academic reference standards, societal values, and technological development. The program also seeks to develop motivations for continuing education, innovation, entrepreneurship, sustainable development, and the ability to develop scientific research and studies and improve their quality in line with the needs of society.


  1. Provide distinguished education, an appropriate learning environment, and acquiring skills by providing the latest technology related to industrial engineering.
  2. Prepare a qualified graduate with the technical and professional capabilities that enable him/her to work in a competitive global engineering environment.
  3. Provide the student with the skills to deal with the team work methodology, strategic planning, performance evaluation, and productivity analysis.
  4. Create a distinguished generation competent to provide strong cooperation with the local industry and capable of providing services to the local community and effectively solving real-life problems in industrial systems.
  5. Promote and strengthen the relationship with governmental and private institutions and companies through organizing conferences, seminars and courses.
  6. Strengthen the profession of industrial engineering and developing manufacturing work and research through active participation in prestigious industrial and scientific competitions presented by various scientific research bodies.