Petrochemicals Engineering

تطوير نموذج رياضى لوعاء تفاعل ذى طبقى مموعة
development of mathematical model for a fluidized bed reaction vessel
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Author: Noha Said Ibrahim Mohamed Yousef
Pub. Date: 2011
Class.Num.: 511
Attachments: CD
Locator: 4C
Subject: PHD
Department: Petrochemicals Engineering
انتاج الوقود الحيوى (البيوديزل)من زيت نبات الجوجوبا المصرى
production of biodiesel from egyptian jojoba oil
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Author: Marwa Abd El Fattah Abd El Rahman
Pub. Date: 2012
Class.Num.: 668
Attachments: CD
Locator: 4C
Subject: PHD
Department: Petrochemicals Engineering
تطوير نموذج رياضى لوحدة التكسير بالهيدروجين
development of mathematical model for a hydrocracking unit
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Author: Rania Farouq Abdou Salama
Pub. Date: 2013
Class.Num.: 665.8
Attachments: CD
Locator: 4C
Subject: PHD
Department: Petrochemicals Engineering
طلاء الصلب الذى لا يصدا بحمض اورثو امينو بنزويك المبلمر كهربيا للحمايه من التاكل
coating stainless steel by electropolymerized ortho aminobenzoic for corrorison protection
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Author: Rehab Mansour Ebrahim Mohammed Moustafa
Pub. Date: 2013
Class.Num.: 668
Attachments: CD
Locator: 4C
Department: Petrochemicals Engineering
استخلاص الزيت من صخر الزيت المصرى
extraction of oil from egyptian oil shale
Copy Num. :1
Author: Aya Soliman Mohamed Mostafa
Pub. Date: 2015
Class.Num.: 668
Attachments: CD
Locator: 4C
Department: Petrochemicals Engineering
النمذجه والمحاكاه لمفاعل تحويل غاز اول اكسيد الكربون ذو درجه الحراره المنخفضه
modeling and simulation of low temperature water gas shift reactor
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Author: Fathy Ahmed Shokry
Pub. Date: 2014
Class.Num.: 665.8
Attachments: CD
Locator: 4C
Department: Petrochemicals Engineering

Petrochemicals Engineering

معوقات التاكل في احد التطبيقات الصناعيه
corrosion inhibition for industrial applications
Copy Num. :1
Author: دينا محمد صبحى
Pub. Date: 2016
Class.Num.: 668
Attachments: CD
Locator: 4C
Department: Petrochemicals Engineering
تقنيه حديثه لانتاج الوقود الحيوى (البيوديزل) من مخلفات زيت الطهى
New technique for production of biodiesel from waste cooking oil
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Author: م/اميرة كمال الجندى
Pub. Date: 2015
Class.Num.: 668
Attachments: CD
Locator: 4C
Department: Petrochemicals Engineering
انخفاض انكماش البوليستر باستخدام مونتموريلونيت نانو مركب
reduced shrinkage polyster by using montmorillonite nano composite
Copy Num. :1
Author: Mahmoud Mohammed Abd Elaty
Pub. Date: 2017
Class.Num.: 668
Attachments: CD
Locator: 4C
Department: Petrochemicals Engineering
دراسه مثبطات تاكل امنه بيئيا للصلب فى الوسط الحمضى
study of the green corrosion inhibitors for steel in acidic medium
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Author: Radwa Mahmoud Ali
Pub. Date: 2018
Class.Num.: 540
Attachments: CD
Locator: 4C
Department: Petrochemicals Engineering
انتاج سؤائل وغازات عاليه القيمه من المخلفات الصلبه
production of high value liquids and gases from solid wastes
Copy Num. :1
Author: Aya Soliman Mohamed Mostafa
Pub. Date: 2020
Class.Num.: 542.6
Attachments: CD
Locator: 4C
Subject: PHD
Department: Petrochemicals Engineering
زياده معدل انتقال الماده والتشابه مع انتقال الحراره
intensification of the rate of mass transfer and analogy with heat transfer
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Author: Fathy Ahmed Shokry
Pub. Date: 2020
Class.Num.: 621.4
Attachments: CD
Locator: 4C
Subject: PHD
Department: Petrochemicals Engineering

Petrochemicals Engineering

تصنيع مركبات جديده من مواد بوليمريه لاستخدامها فى تطبيقات الطباعه ثلاثيه الابعاد
synthesis of new composite polymeric materials for 3D printing applications
Copy Num. :1
Author: Toaa Salama Mohamed Salama
Pub. Date: 2023
Class.Num.: 542.1
Attachments: CD
Locator: 4C
Department: Petrochemicals Engineering
the study on the inclusion complexes of y- cyclodextrin with some selected phenolic compounds and fatty acids
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Author: Rana Adel Elsayed Mahmoud Kobtan
Pub. Date: 2021
Class.Num.: 540
Attachments: CD
Locator: 4C
Department: Petrochemicals Engineering
modeling and simulation of CO₂ removal from natural gas by membrane
نمذجه ومحاكاه ازاله ثانى اكسيد الكربون من الغاز الطبيعى باستخدام الاغشيه
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Author: Ahmed Wahba El Sayed Gaber
Pub. Date: 2021
Class.Num.: 665.7
Attachments: CD
Locator: 4C
Department: Petrochemicals Engineering
preparation of polymer nanocomposite with a low dielectric constant using in situ interfacial poly condensation
تحضير مركب بوليمر نانوى مع ثابت عازل منخفض باستخدام تكاثف بولي بينى فى الموقع
Copy Num. :1
Author: Lina Moataz Khamis El Bayar
Pub. Date: 2023
Class.Num.: 668.9
Attachments: CD
Locator: 4C
Department: Petrochemicals Engineering
production of biojet fuel using hydrodynamic cavitation reactor
انتاج ماده وقود الطائرات الحيوى باستخدام مفاعل الهيدروديناميكا
Copy Num. :1
Author: Eng.Mohamed Khater Hassan Abd Al Aty
Pub. Date: 2024
Class.Num.: 668
Locator: 4C
Subject: PHD
Department: Petrochemicals Engineering