Within the framework of the activities of PUA’s International Relations Department, and in cooperation with the Chinese Language Department at PUA’s Faculty of Languages and Translation, and the Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language Center (TAFL), the International Relations Department organized the Chinese Cultural Day ceremony in the student theater.

The event was graced by the presence of the Chinese Consul General, the Cultural Attaché, and a delegation from the Chinese province of Shandong. The attendees lauded the proficiency of Egyptian students in the Chinese language and commended the Chinese students for their command of Arabic. The students showcased their talents through various artistic performances, including poetry recitation, dancing, singing, and acting. Additionally, the award ceremony for the 2nd Chinese Readings Competition was held, with one of the department’s students achieving fourth place.

From PUA’s side, the ceremony was attended by the President, the vice-presidents, the Dean of the Faculty of Languages and Translation, the heads of Chinese language departments from numerous Egyptian universities, distinguished faculty members, and teaching assistants from the Faculty of Languages and Translation. This event highlighted the robust Egyptian-Chinese relations, fostering cooperation and cultural exchange between the two countries.