In a demonstration of its commitment to fostering student-business interaction, PUA’s Faculty of Financial and Administrative Sciences orchestrated the proceedings of its job fair. This fair, held under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Mohamed Etman, Vice President for Community Service Affairs, garnered the presence of distinguished guests, including representatives from the Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin), PUA’s esteemed Irish partner. Eng. Ihab Zakaria, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Al Qasr Al Salam Co. and Egyptian senator, along with Dr. Ahmed Moati, CEO of VI Markets, Mr. Mohamed Shalabi, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Monglish Academy for Training and Development, Eng. Mohamed Magdy, founder of Logistics Services for IT Services, as well as representatives from Discovery, Lurgen, and AISEC companies, also graced the event with their presence. The Faculty extends its sincerest appreciation to the Student Activities Committee and all those who contributed to the successful organization of the event.