PUA’s Faculty of Engineering was delighted to discuss the engineering master’s thesis in the Petrochemical Engineering Department submitted by Eng. Lena Moataz Khamis Al-Bayar. The thesis was entitled: “Preparation of Polymer Nanocomposite with Low Dielectric Constant Using in-situ Interfacial Polycondensation”.


Several highly-esteemed supervisors, faculty members, teaching assistants, and industry experts attended the discussion. The Dean’s Advisor for Postgraduate Affairs opened the discussion with a speech in which he welcomed the attendees, and underlined the Faculty’s interest in postgraduate studies, and the Department’s significant role in this regard.


After discussion by the examining professors, they decided to acknowledge the thesis and grant the student a master’s degree. Furthermore, PUA’s Vice-President for Graduate Studies and Research delivered a speech to congratulate the scholar, and recognized the Department’s tremendous efforts wishing further success. He also pointed out the significance of PUA’s postgraduate studies programs, and the launch of the postgraduate program in the remaining departments successively.


Similarly, Eng. Lena thanks the supervisors for their help and support during the preparation of the thesis. She also explained the Department’s effective role, especially during the practical part of the thesis, whether in the Faculty’s laboratories or in private entities such as the City of Scientific Research and Technological Applications (City-SRTA), and the Faculty of Science at Alexandria University.