PUA’s Faculty of Engineering, organized the 2022 – 2023 annual Job Fair. A group of industrial companies and institutions from various engineering fields participated in the fair, in addition to a group of representatives of companies and factories.

The Dean of the Faculty launched the fair with a speech in which he welcomed the attendees participating in the forum. He also explained the Faculty’s keenness on organizing the fair annually to open new horizons, and provide job opportunities for students and graduates. In addition, he shed light on the Fair’s importance in determining the specifications that the graduates must acquire during their studies. This is to meet the needs of the labor market based on the requirements of the owners of factories, companies and institutions, and to determine the paths that the graduate can follow, such as entrepreneurship.

The Fair also seeks to provide opportunities for students that contribute to strengthening the Egyptian industrial sector, to be an added value to the industrial community. In addition to qualifying students to meet the requirements of the local, regional and international labor markets.

The Faculty extended its sincere thanks and appreciation to the attendees, representatives of companies and factories participating in the Fair. The Faculty also honored the outstanding students from the Faculty’s various departments, as well as the teaching assistants who obtained a doctorate degree, and the faculty members who were promoted during the academic year 2022-2023. The Fair was concluded with a memorial photo for the Faculty of Engineering family.