A Visit to Al-Forsan Kindergarten in Smouha

In a bid to link the theoretical and practical sides of the study in the Department of Architecture, the Department organized a visit to the Al-Forsan Kindergarten in Smouha. This visit came as part of the Architectural Design course (2nd level) for the 2nd year students (4th semester), as well as the Department’s plan for AY 2022-2023.

Al-Forsan Kindergarten is seen as one of the best models through which students can identify the basic spaces of its building. In addition to the spaces attached to it where various activities take place. Such activities include music, drawing, theatre, cooking, games room, agriculture, and other external and internal services. In addition to the clinic, the administrative part. The students can also learn about how to design and furnish in a way that suits children of this age.