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Activity 1 and 2
For the original source- click here
Vocabox | Activity 1a
Focus: Vocabulary recycling
Level: Elementary and upwards (A1 and upwards) Key
Language: Any vocabulary taught in class
Aims: to improve memory of lexical items taught in class, to practise using these lexical items in different ways and contexts, to practise question forms
© Macmillan Publishers Ltd and NILE 2017
Dyadic circles | Activity 2a
Focus: Speaking
Level: Elementary and upwards (A1 and upwards)
Key Language: Any vocabulary taught in class
Aims: to develop fluency skills and build confidence, to practise specific phrases and vocabulary through repetition, to allow for a controlled mingle activity
Vocabox | Activity 1b
1. Take a box to class.
2. Whenever you teach a new word or phrase write it on a slip of paper and add it to the box. Keep this bank of vocabulary in the classroom for learners to refer to. Use it for some of the following activities:
- Hotseat: One learner sits with their back to the board, the teacher writes a word or phrase from the box on the board, other learners give oral clues to help him or her guess what it is. This can also be done in groups with larger classes.
- Gapped sentences: Write a gapped sentence on the board using an item from the Vocabox. For example, if the item is ‘draw the curtains’, you could write, ‘Do you mind if I ____ ___ ________, because the sun’s in my eyes?’
Elicit the answer. Give each pair of learners three items from the Vocabox. They write a gapped sentence for each. They then give their sentences to another pair to fill in.
- Grab the word: Spread out all the Vocabox items on the floor or a big table (if you have a large class, copy the items to make sets for groups of learners). The teacher gives an oral definition of an item and learners try to grab the appropriate item before anyone else. The teacher clears up any confusion.
- Grouping: Give small groups of learners a small pile of items from the box. They group them either according to your categories or they choose their own categories.
Dyadic circles | Activity 2b
This is not an activity as such, but a way of organising students to interact with their classmates and share information.
1. Ask five or six students to form a circle and face outwards.
2. Get one student to face each of the five or six students. You will now have an inner and an outer circle, with five or six pairs facing each other.
3. Students do the sharing/speaking task you have set them. When they have done it, the people in the outer circle move one space to the right (clockwise) to face a new partner.
4. This procedure is repeated until each student has made a full circuit of the circle.
Suggestions for uses
- Questionnaire activities where students have to ask five or six people.
- Short speaking activities, limiting time to two minutes (see Ask the Expert activity card).
- Role-play activities for pairs, allowing for slight variations each time.
Click here for the original source : http://www.onestopenglish.com/methodology/nile-top-20-activities/